USA Southeast Regional Speed Puzzling Championship, 3/2/24
Scroll down to get your tickets today! Space is limited.
SER2024--USA Southeast Regional Speed Puzzling Championship--is coming soon!
You'll be able to test out your puzzling skills--solo, with a partner, and on a team of 4.
Come meet some amazing new puzzling friends!
You'll be able to test out your puzzling skills--solo, with a partner, and on a team of 4.
Come meet some amazing new puzzling friends!
Free T-shirt special!
- Sign up for all 3 events (1 Solo, 1 Pair, 1 Team) and get 1 free event T-shirt!
- Sign up your whole team (4 Solo, 2 Pair, 1 Team) and get 4 free T-shirts!
What's in it for me?
- Puzzle with the Pros
- Earn a FREE spot at the USA Jigsaw National Championship
- Have your score count toward JPAR (see here for details)
- Score some FREE puzzles
- Swap your puzzles at the swap table (FREE for registrants, $10 for guests)
- 1st place in each of the 3 adult divisions will win paid registration into the next USA Jigsaw Nationals contest (2025 or 2026)
- Top 3 winners in each division will get first pick for free puzzles and other gifts
- Date: Saturday, March 2, 2024
- Time: 9a - 5:30p
- Venue: Dunwoody Baptist Church
- Address: 1445 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338
- Please review the Championship FAQ's and Championship Rules here.
- Pre-registration form is here. Registration is not complete until all payments have been received. Please add all desired events below to your cart and complete the checkout process.
Adult Solo Division Results (Age 15+)
Cobble Hill 500p "Seed Packets"
Youth Solo Division Results (Age 14 & under)
Ravensburger 200p "Woodland Friends"
Adult Pair Division Results (Age 15+)
MasterPieces 500p "Garden Getaway"
Youth Solo Division Results (Age 14 & under)
Buffalo Games 300p "Country Delivery"
Adult Team Division Results (Age 15+)
Ravensburger 1000p "The Gardener's Palette"
Ravensburger 1000p "The Gardener's Palette"
- 0:42:30 Margaret Long/Jasmine Butcher/Tally Klinefelter/Mathew Nettlow (So Much Flippin' Work)
- 0:48:38 Elizabeth McElveen/Jenn Bodshaug/Kamila Lin/Jamie Ambabo (JERKs)
- 0:48:53 Faith Taylor/Simmie Berman/Felisa Lewis/Arlene Cauthorn
- 0:57:13 Kristen Sweeney/Erin Sweeney/Jasper Lee/Anastasiya Patrusheva
- 1:15:41 Amanda Barnard/Elizabeth Beetschen/Miranda West/Megan Bailey (Anything's Puzzible)
- 1:15:53 Daniel Montgomery/Shawn Elledge/Julia Bartol/Anna Fisher
- 1:24:15 Ashley Willard/Robin Patrick/Erica Hazra/Camille Sutton-Brown (Girls Just Wanna Have Puzzles)
- 1:26:37 Erin Walker/Jenny Cimino/Deanna Pownall/Arly Pridgen
- 1:27:02 Brittany Johnson/Lynette Livingston/Kaitlyn Livingston/Rebecca Porath Roberts
- 1:56:03 Sabrina Godfrey/Sarah Dooley/Meghan Dishroom/Michael Bonifacio
- 2:4:17 Kara Johnston/Amy Burnett/Christine Estoye/Robert Estoye (Puzzler Picklers)
- 2:08:47 Kim McKenzie/Karen Leslie/Amy Camba/Marika L
- 2:26:34 Layla Farrar/Kristina Chérres/Angela Hogan/Ann Marie Francis (Team Misfit)
SER2024 USA Southeast Regional Championship puzzle swap ticket
Our 2024 USA Southeast Regional Championship will be held on March 2nd. The venue is Dunwoody Baptist Church, 1445 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338.
NOTE: The swap table is included with the price of each contest registration.
To participate in the swap, please bring 1 to many COMPLETE jigsaw puzzles of any piece count. Puzzles missing any pieces may not be brought to the swap!
Puzzles will be arranged by piece count and quality. For each puzzle you bring, you may take one puzzle of relatively equal value (quality & piece count).
SER2024 Championship Sponsors (click on each logo to visit their websites):