Previous Contest Puzzles (Solo)
Wondering what kinds of puzzles we use for our Speed Puzzling contests?
Months before an event, we test each potential contest puzzle for image, quality, fit, and speed.
Months before an event, we test each potential contest puzzle for image, quality, fit, and speed.
- Image: We look for originality, variety, contrast in colors and textures, and easily identified areas. We enjoy bright colors and puzzles which convey togetherness, positivity, etc. Scroll down for dozens of examples.
- Quality: Each puzzle should have minimal dust, minimal glare, and thick pieces. For a comparison of puzzle thickness, see here.
- Fit: There should be few-to-no false fits. In other words, one piece should only fit properly in its correct position. And preferably, each puzzle should pass the "pick-up challenge," meaning that once completed, it can be picked up without falling apart. At the very least, pieces should stay together once they are connected (even when gently bumped).
- Speed: We have time constraints associated with our contest schedules. Accordingly, most Solo speed puzzlers should be able to assemble a selected puzzle/image within the allotted time. As of 2023, our time limits are 1 hour for 300 pieces, 2 hours for 500 pieces, and 4 hours for 1000 pieces.
1000 pieces
500 pieces
300 pieces